

新华网杭州12月22日电 12月13日,一列搭载50个集装箱(总重量1300多吨、总货值约260万元)哈萨克斯坦进口小麦、麦麸颗粒的回程班列顺利抵达浙江台州,这也是中欧班列(台州)首趟进口粮食专列。后续,还有20多个集装箱、300多吨粮食通过中欧班列(台州)运到台州头门港(台州港临海港区)。

理响中国·人民至上@中国式现代化丨“台州货、临海集、头门出”——探访中欧班列(台州)起运点头门港 - 新华网客户端



"The opening of the China-Europe Express (Taizhou) grain import special train meets the demand for various grains in the Taizhou domestic market, providing consumers with more choices and laying a solid foundation for grain safety in Taizhou," said Zhao Mingxing, director of the Grain and Regulation Division of the Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce. The opening of the train also provides more opportunities for grain trade and cooperation between Taizhou and Central Europe and Central Asian countries, promotes the exchange and cooperation of grain industries between the two places, and promotes the upgrading and optimization of the grain industry in Taizhou.

"Purchasing directly from Kazakhstan to Taizhou Tongmen Port not only facilitates on-site inspection of goods and fast processing of problematic goods but also saves transportation costs. The average transportation cost per container has been reduced by 10% compared to before," said Wang Yi, deputy director of the Office of the Special Working Group on Open Economy in Linhai, Taizhou.

The China-Europe Express (Taizhou) can not only import but also serve exports.

"Taizhou is located in the middle section of China's coastline and is an important intersection of the Belt and Road Initiative and the integration of the Yangtze River Delta. Tongmen Port is the starting point of the China-Europe Express (Taizhou)," said Wang Yi.

On April 7 this year, a train loaded with 240 new energy vehicles departed from Tongmen Port Railway Station and was transported to Lianyungang Port for "going to sea." It finally arrived at the Port of Zeebrugge, Belgium, marking the first time that Tongmen Port has realized the sea-rail intermodal transportation of automobiles.

Wang Yi said that Tongmen Port has advantages in sea-rail intermodal transportation as it has both a port and a railway. It mainly serves the development of Taizhou's outward-oriented economy and radiates the freight transportation needs of surrounding cities and counties.




